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站在生物研究的前沿, 准备去看医生, dental or veterinary school – all with the biology program at Tiffin University. 

Tiffin University’s biology program teaches students how to read and interpret scientific research as well as develop and carry out their own research. The program also provides students with the foundational coursework needed to pursue medical-related studies after graduation including pre-medicine, 兽医预科和牙科预科.

TU’s biology curriculum prepares students for the future with courses that cover biological and biochemical foundations of living systems (anatomy and 生理学, 发育生物学, cellular and molecular biology); chemical and physical foundations of biological systems (organic and biochemistry); psychological, social and biological foundations of behavior (animal behavior, introduction to psychology) and critical analysis and reasoning skills. These classes not only prepare students for a career in biology, but also for graduate school entrance exams like the Medical College 博彩平台推荐 Test (MCAT), the 研究生 Record Examination (GRE) and the Dental Admission Test (DAT). 

通过生物项目, students will learn skills in the formal practices of observation, experimentation and hypothesis testing necessary to function as a biologist in the workplace or as a candidate for an advanced degree. 他们将能够清晰地表达, 口头和书面, 生物学知识, 背景下的生物学方法和生物学问题. Students will develop an awareness of the impact that biology has had on society at large as well as the interactions of biology with other disciplines.

生物学 students will have access to a range of experiential learning opportunities that greatly enhance their understanding of the subject. 学生将参与实验室实验, where students will conduct practical investigations to learn techniques such as DNA analysis, 微生物培养, 或解剖. These experiences not only reinforce classroom concepts but also foster critical thinking, 解决问题的能力, 熟练操作科学设备. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in field trips, 学生在哪里参观自然栖息地, 生态系统, or research centers to observe and study various organisms in their natural environments. This hands-on approach allows students to directly apply their theoretical knowledge, 培养实地工作技能, and gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of ecological interactions. 最后, internships or research placements provide biology students with real-world exposure, allowing them to work alongside professionals at research institutions, 保护组织, 或者政府机构. Such opportunities enable students to contribute to ongoing projects, 进行独立研究, and gain invaluable insights into the practical applications of biology.


ENG141修辞 & Res写作 

ENG142修辞 & 学术写作

BIO120 + L普通生物学 & 实验室 

BIO121 + L普通生物学II & 实验室

通用化学ⅰ & 实验室 

通用化学2 & 实验室






BIO221 + L解剖学 & 生理学一级与实验室 

BIO222 + L解剖学 & 生理学II及实验室

有机化学I & 实验室 

CHM332 + L有机化学II & 实验室



BIO333 + L基因与实验室 

PHY212 + L物理II与实验室

BIO373 + L微生物和实验室 


PHY211 + L物理I与实验室 

Chm411 + 1 






BIO445 + L细胞和分子生物学与实验室

DEC400 + L龙教育:影响 


SAS470实习Chm411 + 1 


BIO250 -生态和进化 – This course looks at the role of 进化 in shaping the organisms alive today. This course will look at how 进化 operates at the molecular, organismal, and ecological levels. It will also look at the ways the environment impacts the 进化ary trajectories of organisms. Evolutionary topics covered will include genetic and phenotypic variation, 自然选择, 系统发生学, 群体遗传学, 物种形成, 和大进化. Ecological topics of climate, species interactions, and biodiversity will also be discussed.

BIO 325 -植物学-植物界概览. 植物形态学概论, 生理学, 遗传学,繁殖, 分类, 进化, 与生态. 结合讲座/实验室. (本课程有一个必要的实验部分).

生物325L -植物学实验室 –  A general laboratory introduction into the plant kingdom. 这包括植物形态学, 生理学, 遗传学, 繁殖, 分类, 进化, 与生态. 结合讲座/实验室. (There is a corequisite lecture component to this course).

生物350 -动物行为 – This course is a comparative study of animal behaviors, 并对其适应价值进行了分析, 生理机制, 发展, 和演化, 在他们的生态和社会背景下. During this course students will learn how to apply scientific reasoning to understand both the 进化 and mechanisms behind animal behavior with an emphasis on how 进化 joins numerous 领域内的子学科.



在校园 – Offered in a 15-week semester format with a start date of January and August

生物学 majors can use their degrees to work in a wide variety of fields including medical fields, 政府(环境保护局), 国家海洋和大气管理局, 美国地质调查局, 等.)、企业研究和咨询以及高等教育. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the median annual wage of a biology degree graduate in 2019 was $65,000. 

Many of the occupations below require or prefer an advanced degree, but offer above average wages and many areas have high projected job growth. 


  • 动物的科学家
  • 生物化学家和生物物理学家
  • 生物科学家
  • 临床化验技术员
  • 保护科学家
  • 牙医
  • 诊断相关技术人员
  • 流行病学家
  • 食品科学家和技术专家
  • 林业工作者
  • 生命科学家
  • 医学科学家,除了流行病学家
  • 微生物学家
  • 其他生命科学家
  • 验光师
  • 药剂师
  • 医师助理
  • 医生
  • 土壤与植物科学家
  • 外科医生
  • 兽医
  • 动物学家和野生生物学家



“There is always going to be a little doubt in any person’s mind when it comes to new things. But for me, I think proving people, who said I couldn’t do it, wrong is my biggest motivation. There’s really nothing that seems impossible to me anymore. The world is constantly changing and I feel like 我是 much more capable of adapting to those changes now compared to when I was walking on to TU’s campus for the first time.”

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